How to make Money; doing what you love?

By | April 29, 2015

How to make Money; doing what you love?

How to make money doing what you love?

We show you how!

I hear a lot of people say “How do I make money?”, I have no ideas.
Well the best way to get an idea is to think of the things that you love doing and that other people love doing too.

A good example is the “Charli’s Crafty Kitchen” which is a YouTube channel that was started in 2012 by 6-year-old Charli and her 5-year-old sister ashlee who is also the chief taster.

They started by making videos of things they like doing; Cake making, Oreo pops, Cookies, Donuts and even Popsicle among many other bright ideas.

You can watch the “Kit Kat Christmas cake with m&m’s”.

Well you can imagine that this was very popular on YouTube and took off to the extent that they are generating an average of $127,777 in Ad revenue per month according to ‘Outrigger Media’.

Well if a 6-year-old can do it, I am sure you can too.

You need to ask yourself; what are you good at or know a lot about?

Are you a ‘stay at home mum’ who is great at crafts and health issues; or a working single parent with lots of useful knowledge and skills; who wants to spend more time with the children?

You could be retired and wanting to generate some additional income.

It can be very easy to make money online if you commit yourself to the process that is being used by many entrepreneurs today, whether it be by; Crowd-funding, Content Marketing or Investing, as long as you enjoy doing it.

Self Questionnaire!

First you have to make a decision and take action to fulfil your goals, step-by- step.

What ‘Finance Magnate UK’ will do is give you good options for you to make choices based on what you want to achieve.

It is your choice, your action that will make this a reality.

Everyone who wants to make a change is nervous because it is a decision that will affect your routine and also your pocket, so you must be smart about it.

You are investing in yourself and your future.

The little you put in now will amount to big things as it grows.

As soon as you make that decision to join us you will meet lots of other people who were just like you are now, but they considered their options and grasped the opportunity to change their lives for good.
If it is a matter of coming up with an idea, then we help with that as well, because you might want to sell something like clothes, shoes, jewellery or recipes like Charli.

There are lots of different ways to come up with a ‘Niche’ that you enjoy being involved in.

These are the areas that we specialize in because that’s what we do and once you are on your way building your business; we carry on helping so that we make sure you will always have the support to grow.

I deliberately only speak so much in this series (Wealth Creation) because it all starts with you; if you leave a comment to start a discussion about your thoughts and we will give you our thoughts or the experiences of some of our other subscribers to help you analyze the situation and make the best choice for you.

Alternatively feel free to Contact me;  for a one to one on any issues that you are not sure about and I will discuss it with you privately.

Until we communicate we cannot progress.





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2 thoughts on “How to make Money; doing what you love?

    1. Mags Post author

      Hi Lehnert, I am glad that you like the Post and it made you feel better, which is the what we all need right now. Money is circulating but the feel-good factor is missing because of the uncertainty of real growth as mentioned in our Post by FMVocal:
      The best way to feel good on your terms is to control your time and workload, which is what we show you how to do by focusing on Your goals and ambitions.
      We look forward to discussing this further with you.
      Best wishes,


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